Alcaraz Music at 36th All Saints Fair Choir Contest - 4th Firacor Award in Cocentaina (Alacant)
La música d'Albert Alcaraz sonarà el proper dissabte 12 de novembre al Centre Cultural 'El Teular' de Cocentaina (Alacant) amb motiu del...
Congregaret in unum at 15th Eastern Pyrenees Choir Meeting (Spain)
The music of Albert Alcaraz (Congreraret in unum) will sound next 15 October at 15th Eastern Pyrenees Choir Meeting in Roncal (Navarra)....
Veni sponsa Christi at Murcia Auditorium (Spain)
The music of Albert Alcaraz (Veni sponsa Christi) will sound next 8 October at Murcia Auditorium and Palace of Congresses 'Victor...